I have provided numerous columns on the crucial steps to take in preparing the outside exterior of your home, not only for your personal satisfaction but to keep it looking pristine and top notch when readying and considering putting it on the market for sale. It can be a lot of work or it can be simplified as long as you have a plan and stick to it on a regular basis.

As we all know humans are creatures of procrastination and putting things off will be detrimental to your pocketbook! Most homeowners just don’t want to face the facts that no matter how long you delay chores and projects and being grouped into the “Monday morning quarterback” crowd where most reside, they eventually either “wake up and smell the coffee” and step up to the plate and be responsible and diligent in realizing that they must get things done or suffer the consequences with a lower selling price.

I try to advise all my clients (or assist them with a solid and stress-free short or long-term plan to follow) to sit down and create either an Excel spread sheet or a simplified outline of what really needs to be accomplished. This will go a very long way to make repairs and jobs much easier with the least amount of headaches as well as reduce potential arguments with your significant other.

The interior is another area of great concern when it comes to enjoying your time in your home as well as what you need to do to be proactive and just keeping up with having a beautiful living environment. I also understand and totally get it that for many the Covid-19 pandemic has put a kibosh and hold on many improvements and even basic repairs due to loss of income from one’s job and/or business.

However, have you ever thought of being and becoming a DIYer (do it yourselfer) to save a boatload of dineros? Well, so many are reverting to this method and enjoying the journey of learning how to do so many jobs and projects on their own. It’s almost like becoming your own general contractor and hiring either some day laborers, which is an art in itself, or having family and friends chip in with their labor. One will reap the financial and satisfactory benefits of being more self-sufficient and creating greater R.O.I. not only on their own primary residences but also on their investment properties. This trend has been expanding exponentially as you can read further on these links:
https://www.jchs.harvard.edu/blog/despite-devastating-effects-broader-economy-pandemic-has-been-boon-us-home-improvement as well as https://www.jchs.harvard.edu/blog/recent-upturn-diy-remodeling-projects-unlikely-continue-long-term and lastly, https://www.npr.org/2020/09/11/909264580/why-home-improvement-has-surged-and-how-its-changing-america.

Sometimes little perks like a keg of beer, food etc. can go a long way in satisfying the equation in gaining the required help. However, there are many things that one can do on their own without any assistance whatsoever. One of the biggest chores is just decluttering that almost anyone can accomplish over the course of a few months or as little as in a few weeks, all depending on how much clutter you have and what you will be taking with you and what you will either give away and take a charitable deduction (talk with your CPA to have him/her give you advice), take with you or just throw in the garbage.

Most of the big box entities have “free” classes for anything from plumbing, heating, electrical work and I have even seen some provide interior design classes. However, there are so many presentations online where you can receive a superb education on whatever you want to become more proficient at doing and again at the same time, saving quite a lot of money. It’s like eliminating the middle man where you keep the profit you are handing over to a contractor by reducing outside costs by becoming a Do It Yourselfer.

It can seem like a daunting task to learn something new, but the satisfaction of completing tasks and projects is tantamount to self-satisfaction. It’s like going back to school and getting remunerated for the knowledge instead of you taking money out of your pocket. It may not be for everyone, but if you are really strapped and want to save your hard-earned dollars, then my professional opinion is to follow the most advantageous path to take.

I teach my new and seasoned agents very similar concepts: to learn, listen, absorb, and most crucial and critical to practice and apply your new knowledge to make things happen while saving a lot of time, effort and money as you earn. So, as a new or seasoned homeowner being a DIYer will put more money back in your pocket when you are ready to sell.

Philip A. Raices is the owner/Broker of Turn Key Real Estate at 3 Grace Ave Suite 180 in Great Neck. He has 40 years of experience in the Real Estate industry and has earned designations as a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (G.R.I.) and also as a Certified International Property Specialist (C.I.P.S). For a “FREE” 15 minute consultation, a value analysis of your home, or to answer any of your questions or concerns he can be reached by cell: (516) 647-4289 or by email: Phil@TurnKeyRealEstate.Com