Deni: Okay. Well, welcome, everyone. We are excited today. We have some special guests. And last week, you guys saw that we talked about minimizing gift taxes and estate taxes. Today, we’re going to meet with Greg and Erin Wilson, who have retired already for a while, actually.

Brian: Greg and Erin, welcome.

Deni: Yes.

Erin: Oh, hi, everyone.

Greg: Thanks for having us.

Deni: Again, as usual. Please let us know where you’re tuning in from and if you have any questions for Greg, Erin, myself, or Brian, just throw them in the chat. So, I’m going to leave this to Brian now and let’s go and let’s listen to your guy’s story. I’m excited.

Brian: So as a quick intro here, so Greg and Erin, Greg retired at 42 quite recently. Erin retired a few years ago at 35, which is an incredible achievement. I want to rewind the clock, though, to the beginning of your story before you were super young retirees. Let’s talk about what you guys did for careers before you got into real estate investing.

Greg: Well, I’ll so I’ll take that. What I did for a career before real estate investing is I was a kid. So, my first house, I was 20 years old right out of college. And I had been researching real estate for several years Up to that point was always afraid to buy a house when I was a teenager. So, I put it off 20. So, I graduated college when I was 20 and moved back to St Louis from Missouri, University of Missouri, Columbia, and was in an apartment and just one day went up to a local real estate agent and said, I’m going to buy a house today. And they laughed at me and had no interest in that conversation whatsoever. But they brought this old man, Elmer, out from the back and said, Elmer, you got to deal with this guy. I looked like I was probably 16 and told them, I’m buying a house and let Elmer know what I was looking for and all the specs. And he said, all right, well, let’s get in my car. And we went and looked at five houses and I bought one that day.

Deni: Wow. I have to ask you; did anybody influence you?

Greg: Oh, yeah. Yeah. So, I’m from a family that has many self-employed people and also, especially my dad, who in my entire life had owned businesses. So, I understood the basics of finance well, well beyond the basics of finance, even as a little kid, and with real estate grandparents on both sides of my family had houses. I have a lot of uncles and they had houses. So, when I was a little kid, little, little guy, the people that babysat me had me picking up gumballs. So, in those days and all the way up until I was in high school, that’s what I knew. I was around real estate; I was around rental houses around tenants. I was coached through how to interact with tenants, you know, make sure that you treat them as people. These people, it’s a partnership. It’s not it’s not us landlords telling the tenants what to do. It’s a partnership and that makes the entire experience easier. But yeah, I was passively coached and actively coached from a very young age, and when I mentioned a couple of minutes ago that when I got back from college, I went and bought a house and was afraid to do so a little bit earlier. It’s because that’s all I knew also. So, when I signed my first lease for an apartment in college, it felt bizarre that I was paying a landlord money all the time. I want to be on the other side of that, but I didn’t want to buy a house when I was away at school.

Deni: Right.

Greg: I wish I did. So, I didn’t.

Brian: I mean, as a recent college graduate, you must not have been making very much money when you bought your first property.

Greg: No. And the money part is, or my income part is probably the part that I’m most proud of by far. So, when I bought that first house, I was making maybe 25 a year.

Erin: 25 to 30 a year.

Greg: I was in actually when I bought my first house. I was actually unemployed. And I was still extremely comfortable with doing it and got the lender comfortable as well. But it’s up until all through my twenties and I had eight houses in my twenties. All through my twenties, my income from my job, I don’t think got much more than 45, 50,000 a year. So, I started making 25,000 a year with five houses.

Deni: That’s amazing.

Brian: That’s great. Well. So, let’s talk about how you started, you know, getting into these properties, you know, how did you go about finding deals? How did you go about financing these deals? What kind of properties were you looking for? You know, talk us through those first few deals and how you went about those.

Greg: Sure thing. And just to set things up a little bit, Erin and I didn’t start dating until then in my thirties, so.

Erin: So, I got into real estate because I got into Greg.

Greg: It’s all part of the story. She’s heard so many times in different ways, but that’s why I’m kind of dominating right now.

Deni: Erin, did you have any reservations about it, or were you on it?

Greg: Were you on it?

Erin: You know, I kind of just assumed that he knew what he was doing because he had been doing it for so long before I knew him. And the way that he teed it up for me was exactly how he’s explaining it to you guys. It’s a business. I these are. People I am. You know, there’s a lot of people out there who aren’t good landlords. There’s a way to not be a good landlord, but I don’t want to be like that. And so, I actually didn’t have many reservations. And shortly after we started dating, he had his first vacancy and he was like, well, you can come to help me if you want. I like painting walls. I used to like people’s walls a lot more. So, I, I just, you know, I did it. And now it’s what we do. It’s a little different now that we have three small kiddos in the mix. Finding pockets of time to do it versus being able to go for four or 5 hours after work and come home really late and eat dinner at 9:00 and then go to bed. But no, there were no reservations. I don’t think I kind of just trusted that he’d been doing it for so long that clearly, he was doing okay with it.

Deni: I ask because there are sometimes, you know, that is a factor in some couples where one is like really into wanting to get into real estate investing. And the other one is a little bit I don’t know.

Erin: I think I would probably be more like I don’t know, but it’s worked out so far.

Deni: That’s great. That’s great. Pretty soon the kids will be painting.

Greg: Yeah.

Brian: That’s right.

Erin: One love art one helps. He turned five yesterday and he gets out there and cleans and I give him a little roller and he’s got paint clothes. It’s been a few years since we had a vacancy that we’ve had to do that with, but he knows how to push a vacuum. And, you know, I just want the little things that even if I have to go back and redo it, he’s having fun and he’s exposed and he’s learning. And that really is what the important thing is for us, is that we don’t want our kids to see that we have things, right. We want them to see that we work for the things that we have. And they help us do that when we have some vacancies.

Deni: I love that. I love that.

Greg: And Brian, I know you asked a question, but I want to touch on something else I said a second ago. I’m going to go as far as I don’t think I touched on this in the interview that we did a couple of weeks back. But the whole idea of being a better landlord, so that was something that I branded myself that way. And when I decided, yes, I’m doing this, I surveyed a lot of different landlords that I knew and a lot of different friends that were renting that I knew. And I had been a tenant myself. So, I went through the list of Here’s all the well with these survey questions. Here are all the things that people didn’t like about their landlord. And I decided every single one of those, I’m doing the opposite. So, I tried to set things up in a way to where everything that people didn’t like about their landlord, I was the opposite. And then I charged higher rent for it. So even when I had neighbors that also had rental houses that were vacant at the exact same time, I could charge 150, I could charge 10% more. Just when walking people through that, it just walked through the other one by just saying, you know, I’m a better landlord for these reasons. I’m necessarily better than that guy. But you’re getting customer service. And just from that, I’m able to charge more because of the Lexis approach instead of Cambria’s same car but I’m premium.

Deni: What were some of the number one answers that you got?

Greg: The price I mean two things I don’t like my tenant checks up on me or I’m sorry I don’t like my landlord checks up on me and the other is. My landlord is an old man. Our sends over his old handyman to fix the faucet and he comes over three times and then I stop calling him and it’s still broken. So right away. And I wanted to find ways to be efficient with everything, too. And that’s something I was pretty obsessive over. So right away I decide, okay, I’m outsourcing everything. It’s going to crush my profit margins, but I don’t care. The goal is pay off these houses, stop working sometime in my forties. So instead of tenants calling me over and over and over about faucets, it’s I send somebody over to fix it and that’s that. So just nickel and diming I avoided. And still, I mean, we still have houses, but just avoided the nickel and diming that. And I get checked up on too often, which I don’t want to check up on the ones that I don’t want to waste my time checking up on tenants all the time. You try to have tenants that are adults, and you don’t need to check upon them.

Deni: Right!

Brian: Absolutely. Yeah. And Christina says she says, oh, O-M-G, I have a property manager that did that send a handyman three times to fix something and it was never done properly. Yeah, I think we’ve all been there. Super frustrating.

Greg: Yeah. And for the tenant, it’s horrible. And it doesn’t. I don’t want three phone calls and they don’t want to make three phone calls.

Brian: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So, tell us about your investing strategy. You know, where what kind of properties are you investing in? How are you funding these deals? Because people are probably curious about how they might be able to replicate some of your results.

Erin: All single-family homes.

Greg: Yeah. It’s something where I decided that I wanted to have a niche and become an expert on a little tiny area. So that was something, you know, when I was a teenager at the library, I’m reading about Warren Buffett and picking up on the same things about, you know, what you know and don’t spread yourself thin. So instead of trying to become an expert on house prices on many different zip codes, I concentrated into mostly just one little area. But I also wanted diversification. So, my diversification was a few zip codes away, so not really that far away. And then another one that was 35 minutes away from the others just to have some kind of diversification. But I had the niche and I keep using past tense because we just sold five.

Erin: We sold five houses last year.

Brian: Congratulations.

Greg: So, I keep using the past tense but had the niche of the small little area that I decided I was going to get to know really well. And all the houses are single-family, residential. Most of them I intentionally had slabs without basements are really popular in sales. So, most of the houses I had slabs with no garage. But then I intentionally had a couple that had basements and a couple that had garages. So, when tenants wanted to move upstream, I can move them upstream. When they want to move downstream, I can move them downstream. So, a lot of times when I had vacancies, I just rotated tenants around because they want to stick with the better landlord. So, they would go from my family is growing, we’ll put you in this house when this comes up or I need a downsize. Okay, well, when this house comes up, do you want it? So just settled on a niche more than anything else.

Brian: Okay. And how did you pick the neighborhoods?

Greg: It was. In the city, I grew up in, I wanted it to be more than 5 minutes away from me. Something else that my grandpa always told me is never buy a house on the same street you live on.

Deni: I used to manage an apartment complex that was very close to where I lived. And I would go to the supermarket and people would see me and give me maintenance complaints.

Erin: Don’t want That.

Greg: I had houses next door to me where lived, go for sale. I would buy them under friend’s names, and I wouldn’t rent them out. So, it’s something where I kept all the houses nearby, but not too nearby.

Deni: Very cool.

Brian: All right. And how did your investing strategy change over time, or did it change?

Greg: Ahh no. I mean, I, my management evolved, and my efficiencies evolved, but the investing approach. That kid that was 20 years old, that seems like a totally different person than me. Everything he came up with as far as the investment I stuck with, and I would do the exact same thing again. I seemed like a totally different person in my head, but he. I like what he did.

Brian: That’s great. How did you fund these deals?

Greg: The funding. So, the. The first one. That’s when I was still living in an apartment for a few months, and I just said I was going to move into it. So, I was able to just get a mortgage, primary residence, mortgage, and then the next few did the same kind of thing. But I would say that I was going to move into the next one. And then by the time I got up to the fourth, lenders start saying, No, you’re clearly a landlord. And at that time, I started looking for all the different Funding sources. And the funding question is tough because you’ve got the down payment and then you’ve got the mortgage itself. So, I financed both. So, the entire my entire operation was funded with $800, so. And that was when I was making 25,000 a year. So, by the time I got up to, I think the third house, fourth house I met with, I met with many people. But the person that took me under his wing was the president of a community bank. And he met me, and he gave me a 15-minute meeting. And a couple of hours later, into that 15-minute meeting, he said, you’ve got a blank check and I’m going to personally underwrite any mortgage that you have, and you can get as many as you want, whatever dollar amount you want. I’m going to go in front of my board of this bank and get them to sign off. If you mess up, I’m calling all of your loans. How much for your loans? They can say it’s due in 30 days. Or I think that’s what the agreement was with me. So, yeah, so it’s a scary proposition, but I am a finance nerd and very analytical and mapped out everything in Excel and had all these models and felt that it was low enough risk to where that was not going to happen. So, I was able to get funding for the next five and the interest rates were a little bit higher through him also. But I had a benefactor. I had someone that was looking out for me.

Erin: He never call on the loans.

Brian: That’s a good thing. We figured as much since we’re sitting here having this conversation today.

Deni: It also goes for saying that there’s something about building a relationship, even with a loan, with a lender.

Greg: Yes, he changed my life. And you change our life.

Erin: You can’t do that over the Internet. And so, if people are doing virtual lenders or finding things or filling out things online, it still pays to have that face-to-face relationship with people and to know what someone looks like and to shake their hand. It goes a long way.

Greg: Yeah.

Brian: No question. And speaking of which, so Christina from the audience, as you know, how about remote investing? Have you guys bought properties long distance? And do you manage all of your properties yourselves to this day?

Greg: I managed it. Yes, well I say so. We’ve managed they’ve been self-managed the entire time. I couldn’t bring myself to hire a property manager because I was just the middleman for the most part. And I could deal with the roller coasters of my house broke and then I’ll just text back. Okay, here’s the number to call. So, I didn’t really want to give up the 10% for someone to manage the properties. I think if we were scaling up right now at this stage of life, we’re in, I would probably have a property manager.

Erin: Yeah. I think given the state of things that we’re we have three kids now, five and under yesterday it was four and under. But it’s hard to find the time. And especially while Greg was still working full time before he retired and we bought into our new investment, the business that we own, Kitchen Queen. It was hard to find time when we had vacancies. You know, I had to go early in the morning before Greg or the kids would wake up, you know, I would wake up at five and I would go work on the rental houses for two or 3 hours while they were vacant. Or I would go during nap time or after kids went to bed at night. So, our chunks of time were smaller, but we’re in a different phase of our life now than we were five years ago, before we had children where we were able to do all of the things ourselves when the houses were vacant. And like Greg said before, when things would break. Hvac was out leaky faucets, things like that. We never went into the homes ourselves and fix those we had. We had someone for that. But now if, if we went to buy additional properties because like Greg said, we sold five, we still own two plus our main residence. We would probably make the decision to go with a property management company just because of where we are.

Greg: Yeah, there’s more to it with our situation. So, I enjoyed the hands-on approach. I liked finding tenants. I liked getting to know the tenants, and I liked the brand-building that I mentioned as far as being a better landlord. So, with that, it was something that I was enjoying. Managing all those properties. Also, up until a couple of years ago, you’ve got this interesting thing that happens as far as the tilt between active and passive taxable income. So once your income gets to a certain level, then you can no longer write off active losses, so against your salary. So that was another reason why I wanted to manage the properties was because of the tax treatment because my W2 income was under a certain threshold. It’s 150 or whatever it is, but it was under a certain threshold. So, we were able to take losses against the W2 income. So that also tilts the passive versus income decisions. I wanted those losses at passive.

Brian: So now you guys are both retired, but you only have two rental properties, so you’re able to live on the rental income from two properties.

Greg: Well, yeah. So, we. Yes. But I also all along and we actually have a blog post for this on our site. My approach was twofold. One was to get enough money to last from age 40 something to 60 and also get enough to last from 60 until death. So, I maxed out my 41k even when my salary was as low as it was. And when I first met, I had her maxing out. Well, when we got married, I had her maxing out her 401k too. So, we stockpiled assets. So, the rental income. Is for the two houses does help. We manage our expenses pretty well, even though we’re in a big house in a nice neighborhood. But keep in mind, when you sell five paid-off houses, you’re not walking away with $0. It’s not just that we’re living off of two.

Brian: So, you reinvested those proceeds into other assets like your stock portfolio.

Greg: Right. So, we have a nice portfolio in our retirement accounts. We’ve got the two rental houses. We have a chunk of assets and a taxable account that in my head I say, is not really there, but it’s from selling five houses and we also bought the coin.

Erin: So, buying to Cha ching Queen and managing that kind of a place is managing the rental houses and it gives us the income that we need and it’s a new experience. So, one of Greg’s good friends mentioned to him when we were selling the houses that we already have a lot of. We have a good understanding of single-family rental homes. So, if we’re going to invest in something and get into something else, it needs to be something new to learn. And so now we’re learning to be bloggers and business owners and influencers.

Brian: So, you bought, which is a personal finance blog, right? So, you bought this business as an already established blog and have been growing it. Tell us a little bit about that.

Erin: Yeah. So, we bought it’s been about seven months. The blog has been around for 12 years. I didn’t know that people sold blogs. I didn’t know that that was the thing. But one of Greg’s good friends bought a website, so we started looking into that. Greg wanted to be done working full time for someone else, so we looked into some other options to do. We were going to buy a restaurant franchise, Chick-Fil-A.

Greg: A lot of.

Erin: A lot of other options, but none of them fit exactly everything that we wanted. So, then we started looking at blogs to buy and we found a chain queen dot com and the tag is living a happy life on a budget. And so, Greg has always been very loud.

Greg: About?

Erin: Why don’t you say your little tag.

Greg: Tag which one?

Erin: The spend personal.

Greg: Personal Finances, my sport.

Erin: No, what do you spend? Don’t spend any more money than what makes you happy. So even if you have $700 right in your hand to go spend on whatever you want, if only spending $300 is going to make you happy and spending $310 isn’t going to make you any happier than only spend $300. Right? So, buying the blog is our new business venture. And there’s a lot of personal finance. There are a lot of things on the blog that we use in the rental houses too, though there are a lot of green cleaning posts, so that’s important. Having little kids, right? We don’t want to use a bunch of harsh chemicals that could cause who knows what, right? So, I share a lot about green cleaning on our Instagram page at Kitchen Queen. I share pretty regularly just different ways that you can green clean. I share a lot of mom hacks because that’s what stage of life I’m in right now. And so probably when we have a vacancy, our next vacancy, that will be a lot of sharing about how to involve your kids, because our kids are old enough.

Erin: Our son just turned five. Our daughters, we have twins. They’re two and a half. And so, everyone will be there helping. And so, I want to share that with that community and how you can teach your children about stuff like that. Our son, who just turned five yesterday, wanted a 3D printer for his fifth birthday. That’s a big chunk of change for a five-year-old’s birthday gift. And so back to the personal finance aspect. We shared this information with our followers on our Facebook page where we needed it while we had the money to buy the gift for him, we wanted him to understand that money isn’t just laying around. So, we had come into some we’re big Cardinals fans, Saint Louis Cardinals. So, someone had given us some bobbleheads and some other things that were giveaways at the game and said, these are duplicates, I don’t need them, you can have them. And so, our son came to us and said, well, can I sell these to get money to buy the printer?

Greg: Yes.

Erin: And so, I over here was like, yes, lemonade stand. And Greg set him up in the driveway out front. And our son wrote a little sign that said, For sale, $20. We shared it on our subdivision Facebook page. And the people came. He made $200 in two days, roughly. Wow. And so, he got his 3D printer yesterday for his birthday. We actually ended up getting it half off because I posted on Facebook that he was doing that. And a guy went to high school and said, oh, hey, I work I work here and its friends and family weekend, so I get 50% off. So, we’re always looking for deals, sharing deals, looking for ways to teach our kids about money. So, the blog really is all-encompassing of all of that. We have a lot of stuff on the blog about rental property. We have recipes. I just a few weeks ago put an amazing brownie recipe that’s super simple and easy eight ingredients. So, it really encompasses a lot, not just personal finance, but kind of it’s a lifestyle blog. That covers a lot of different things, but personal finance is one of them, rental properties and all that good stuff.

Deni: Now, do you have any plans on expanding again in owning more rental properties?

Greg: Okay. I thought you were going to ask about the website. The answer to that one is no. So, we want to get to a certain level of growth to cover income and not really go above that because we want to hang out with our kids. Right. With the rental houses that more than half my life has been rental houses. So, it feels really weird to not have them, not to have all of them. And it’s something where we’re at the stage right now to where our kids are around a lot. And we’re around the kids a lot. Too much. But we’re around the kids a lot. No, but that’s the entire reason I want to do this. I want to be around them. And one of the fears I had when selling and we talked about this so much was an air in touch on this, that they’re not going to see all of the sacrifice and they’re not going to learn all the things that that I learned about business along the way. So, I’m expecting once I would not be surprised if once the kids are actually in school that I mean, what we can do with our time.

Erin: We’ll probably buy another couple of houses.

Greg: I think it’s a matter of right now our biggest priority is spending time with the kids who only one of them is in school and its half time. And that’s another reason we bought the blog was to give us something to do.

Erin: They see us working on the blog. He tells us all the time. I open my phone and I find pictures of him taking selfies. My son looking for something on my phone. And I saw pictures of him like holding toothpaste up and holding his toys up. So, he sees me filming stuff for the website or taking pictures for Instagram or Facebook or Tic TAC or whatever I’m posting on. And so now he does that. Like if he catches my phone on my tripod, he knows how to turn it on to take a selfie and he’ll start taking pictures of himself or he’ll say, you know, I can’t talk right now. I have a meeting about my website. And so, he has a website that he’s going to sell. So, he’s going to make soap and he’s going to sell soap for $30, and it’s going to be free and it’s going to be really good for you and it’s going to smell like this and that. So, it so he started his own business back in October and we said, what is the name of your business? And he said, Jonathan makes money. His name is Jonathan. So, we said, what are you going to do? And he said, I’m going to shovel snow. And we said it’s not time for that yet. But when the time came, he went out and advertised his business. He had an unpaid intern who did work, but he made a lot of money. So, they are learning. So, they’re learning differently than if we were still in all of the rental houses versus just a couple. But that’s what we want. We don’t want them to know that my parents have this money, and they don’t have to work, and they get to be great all the time. We want them to understand this money didn’t just fall into our laps.

Greg: Yeah. Also, as far as whether we’re going to buy a few more, if you pulled up my laptop right now, which you probably shouldn’t do Zillow’s, you know, there’s a few different tabs for houses. And the other is that your audience might find this strategy interesting is I toyed with the idea of buying a house with them and that’s there. I mean, we’ve got five, 29 plates for them, but have them create their own college plan. If they don’t want to put much work into it, then they’re going to have to figure that out some time for college or whatever they pursue. But I toyed within a couple of years when they were still super young, buying the house with them.

Brian: I love that. And that’s something that I’m planning on doing with my daughter as well. And I just love people in the financial independence and retire early community in the community. Talk about second-generation fire or second-generation fire and, you know, teaching your kids these lessons about money and investing and entrepreneurship. And I just absolutely love it. So, we do have a question from Daniel in the audience. He says, would you be open to sharing numbers such as how much income you guys bring in from rents versus dividend income versus proceeds from the blog versus other streams of income? And do these sources combined to cover all of your living expenses?

Greg: Kind of. Yes. No. Yes.

Brian: Whatever you’re comfortable with.

Greg: With. No, it’s it.

Erin: It Varies. Being an owner, you don’t make the same amount of money every month.

Greg: I can answer, so I’ll answer it with some vague answers.

Brian: So, it sounds good.

Greg: Directional, so the houses that we had and still have been all in the $100,000 price point, which is pretty normal for St Louis. The rents were in the 11, 12, 1300 range. They were all paid off and the ones we have are paid off. So, the expenses are real estate taxes and fixing faucets. The dividend income, I’m going to kind of dodge that. Well, that’s assuming I’m invested in things that are generating dividends where I’m much more of a growth investor. So, I’m more interested in dividends. I consider that Aaron and I talk about the money that we use to sell the houses. We are going to act like we don’t have that. And it kind of leads to the other question that was asked as far as whether it’s covering our expenses. Yeah, we spend $6,000 or so a month and we cover that without touching the income from selling the houses. So, the having to pay off houses and having the blog which we bought for six figures it and that has we bought it with 30% returns, and we’ve got that up to 45%. So, it’s yeah, it’s something were. We’re covering our expenses, but it’s much more variable now. It’s much more. It was obviously more stable. We had W2 income, but if we still had all eight houses and not the W2 income, the revenue is considerably more predictable with the rental houses. That’s that was the biggest trade-off we probably made with selling the houses. Now the blog is extremely variable where rent I knew who was not going to pay when and I knew what the amounts were. I knew if I had five houses what we were going to make or five houses vacant, which never happened. Three houses vacant. But yeah, it’s a long way of saying if you’re not able to able to cover your expenses, don’t do what we did. Keep your job.

Brian: Yeah. Deni and I know how the variable income goes with an online business.

Greg: Yeah, you could answer that.

Brian: So how can people connect with you guys and Chaching Queen?

Greg: Yeah.

Erin: You guys. Anybody can follow us on Instagram or Facebook. [email protected] I am pretty active. I try to post several times a week. They can visit the website to We cover so much stuff, you can subscribe. We have weekly emails. We try to focus on different topics every week. You can Google us if you want to find that brownie recipe, you can just Google brownies from Cha-ching Queen, and it’ll take you right to that post. But so, we have a lot of different ways that you can find us. We post many times a week on the blog, visit the blog. There are so many different articles and posts and things that you can check out there, over 1000 over 1500. We’ve revamped it recently, so we have merged some posts and gotten rid of some posts, but pretty active on Instagram and Facebook. If you want to follow us, we would love to have you share your thoughts on anything that we post. Shooting a Dm If you have any other questions, sign up for our emails.

Deni: I have put a link for I didn’t mess that up dot com in our comments as well as an article that was written about Greg and Erin and it’s really, really a good article. I, I would read it, get some of the details.

Greg: And let me give a little bit of a reverse plug. And that is, when we bought the site, I was expecting to write a lot of posts about real estate and then seeing a site like Spark Rental. There’s no reason for me to. So, I’ve considered should I just start writing everything I know typing it out? But you’ve got that captured, so there really no reason for me to spend my life writing everything that your site already has. So, we have a couple of posts on real estate. Most of them are predating us even, and I’ve tweaked some. But that’s a space that you guys have that you’ve got that covered. There’s nothing that anyone’s going to learn from me that you don’t already have.

Deni: It’s just good because I can’t cook anything.

Brian: Well, we certainly appreciate the shout-out.

Greg: But if you.

Brian: Appreciate you guys coming on here and sharing your story.

Deni: Absolutely.

Erin: Thank you so much for having us, guys. This is a lot of fun.

Greg: Thanks for having us.

Deni: Yes. Yes, this was awesome.

Brian: Well, we went, you know, a little longer than usual today, but that’s because we really, we love digging into your story. And, you know, I think the listeners got a lot out of it. So, thanks again, you guys. And everyone, check out and Greg and Erin we will check in with you guys soon.

Erin: Yeah, we appreciate it.

Deni: Bye-bye.

Brian: Have a good one.